MSCA Welcomes Dr. Jen Clifden as the Opening Keynote Speaker!
Dr. Jen Clifden intersects the science of relationships and the soul well-being in her work and research on preventative and protective practices to heal and stave off burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury in care-based professions. Jen is the founder of Present Well-Being LLC and the creator of the Present Teacher Restoration Project & The Light You CastTM Curriculum and trainings. She creates evidence-based curriculum and experiences designed to stoke caregiver mental health, relationship resilience, and soul well-being.
Dr. Clifden’s keynotes, trainings, courses, and yoga retreats focus on research-based preventative and restorative practices that treat and heal burnout while cultivating greater social and emotional intelligence, compassion, and empathy in one’s care-based work. She draws on 26 years collective experience as a public-school teacher, university teacher educator, program administrator for the Minnesota Grow Your Own Teachers program at the University of Minnesota, mindfulness and yoga teacher, and mother of a 10th grader and twin 9th graders to raise awareness of the critical importance of caregiver soul health in relationship-based callings.
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Beautifully Balanced (and not burnt out) Leveraging stress as the catalyst to create balance and boundaries that allow you to bring more of your soul into your role
balance(d) – A state in which opposing forces on an object are harmonized to reach equilibrium, so that the object is stable and not about to fall over. (
As a school counselor, you have been called to a relationship-based profession. That means that the relationships you have with those in your care are not only core to your sense of purpose, satisfaction, and effectiveness in your calling, they dramatically influence and impact your overall sense of self and personal well-being.
Science confirms that all relationships are a sharing of energy (Siegel, 2023), so the question for those called to care-based professions is– How do you strategically maintain a sense of balance and inner harmony between the opposing forces of giving of yourself (think compassionate and present) while not losing yourself (think burnout and compassion fatigue) in the process?
In this highly experiential keynote, we will banish the myth that balance is achieved through obtaining an idealized, fixed-point of perfection by exploring how to strategically gauge and protect your energy during the many “asks” of your work while learning how to intentionally leverage the opposing forces of the many “tasks” to balance your doing with a calm, centered, tethered-to-your-soul sense of being. You will learn how to:
- REST: Connect with your body and your core (core calling, core vision, core values, and core qualities) so you remember what inner harmony feels like
- RESTORE: Learn how to mentally metabolize opposing forces of stress
- REVITALIZE: Discover how bringing more of your soul into your role creates natural energetic boundaries that protect you from burnout and allow you to project your presence in the work you are called to do